Nia Martin

Development & Communications Specialist

Nia's love of women-identified storytelling started from childhood, but really took off while studying Film at Smith College. She wound up in publications as an editor, journalist, and copywriter, also building experience in photography, events, planning, and developing creative projects from the ground up. In 2020, she co-founded the newsletter Parts & Labor, which featured original stories on the, often under-reported, work that women-identified and non-binary people do throughout Seattle and Washington state. She believes that everyone has a story, needs stories, and that many more storytellers deserve platforms across mediums. She's excited to be a part of an organization that values equity in storytelling and offers a place for women to be both fully autonomous and in community. Outside of work, you can find her in the local cinema or playhouse, reading fiction and poetry, conversing with friends over a martini, on a road trip with her husband, or hiking with her Mini Aussie.